There's something rotten in the air here in Tallahasse, and it's not politics.
It's pollen. That disgusting yellow stuff that makes me sick. It gets on your car, on your clothes,and unfortunately down my lungs. When it gets in me, I have difficulty breathing, which means difficulty sleeping,which means difficulty doing my job, which means difficulty being nice, which yields difficulty dealing with difficult people.
I want to be outdoors, especially when the weather's this nice. Over the weekend, Molly and I went over to the Miccosukee Greenway so she can run through the fields. It was awesome, except my eyes began to water up, my head started to spin, and my nose-- well, let me spare you the disgusting details.
Anyway, if the medication doesn't work, expect to see an Asian guy with a surgical facemask walking the streets of Tallahassee.
Laugh all you want... at least it keeps my nose clean