With Lent now here (well, in about a half hour as I write this in the last hour of Mardi Gras), I'm commiting myself to enter an intense spiritual journey.
I'm not necessarily giving up anything, as many do in fine Catholic tradition, but I thought I'd try to get back into the heart of my spirituality. And I have an exciting opportunity to grow...
I'll be leading a group of youth on a mission trip to Honduras in March. Four youth and two adults (that includes me) will be spending five days during the kids' spring break to do service projects for a school.
As we held several events to raise money for the trip, I began to realize how important it was for me to re-connect with my passion to serve. We held a rice and beans dinner to highlight poverty and hunger in the third world, which we posted startling stats on these issues all across the dining room. It's a shame that we live on the mountaintop and for many of us, we never venture down to see how the world truly is.
Most of us do live in a dream world compared to how most in this world do live. Yet, some of us feel trapped in a nightmare existence.
Well, I'm just rambling now.
Time to head to bed.