13 February, 2007

Black, Blue and Bruised All Over

Today, I have the bruises that prove I'm an idiot.

After work, I drove up to the other side of town to Molly's vet to pick up her Frontline and Heartgard when it started to pour. I walked out on the porch and the deluge intensified into a mini-hurricane with branches and leaves flying around.

I hesitated and then I was about to make a dash when I hesitated again. "Ah, hell... the car's right there!" I said to myself as I darted across the sidewalk into the parking lot.

I reached the sidewalk and touched the pavement and suddenly I was in flight. My treadless dress shoes (mind you, I had just come from work, so I was in business attire) and all of my body was hydroplaning across the lost, when I grabbed my car door handle, which flew open and just added the momentum that catapulted me like I was skinboarding right into the parking lot. Hmm.. the pavement broke my fall and I skinned my knee and elbow. To top it all off, I tore my slacks.

No one was around to see me fall, so I guess I was spared some embarrassment.
