The latest news out is that the iconic hero Superman is renouncing his U.S. citizenship.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee offered his commentary on Fox News about the issue, having said the issue is "a bigger trend of Americans almost apologizing for being American" and proposes that our country needs to do more to teach young Americans to be young AMERICANS, "that it means some thing to be an AMERICAN."

First of all, I actually do agree with Gov. Huckabee, that we ought to do more to instill the values that make our country great--- a love of our liberties, collaborating in unity amid diversity, the spirit of entrepreneurship, a sense of civic and community pride. I also wholeheartedly agree with the idea of taking kids to another country and give them that choice whether or not they want to be an American. (My own childhood experiences when my parents shipped me to their native Philippines during the summer certainly enhanced my love for the United States and appreciation of being an American.)
Now, with that issue settled, I am (sarcastically) disappointed that Fox News did not do some investigative reporting into Superman's alleged U.S. citizenship.
Exactly how did Superman become an American?
There is every indication that Superman/Clark Kent is an undocumented person in the United States. He was born on Krypton and I'm certain he entered our borders illegally.
If he is indeed an American, I demand to see his naturalization papers OR his birth certificate... the LONG form preferred.