23 March, 2011

UK Adventure Post - Mexican Dip

My cousin's church has a fellowship supper after services on Sunday afternoon, and of course I volunteered to bring along a contribution for the pot luck.  I was mulling over ideas on what to bring, and I thought it was would be unique--especially in this part of the world--to bring a Mexican Dip.

There are two main grocery stores in Helensburgh, with very limited choices, but I managed to pick up some ingredients at The Co-op

Dare I even mention that the total cost to make the dip with tortilla chips came out to be near £14, nearly USD$23!  Needless to say, it'll be a while before that dip is ever made again while I'm here!

The dip was a hit at the supper! Of course, after you've had the rather bland food eaten here, this spicy dip has a lot of flavour!