20 August, 2009

Coffee Talk

I love coffee.

I love conversation.

Put the two together, and I’m in heaven.

I love coffee talk. I define simply as this: getting together with a good friend, drinking coffee—sometimes tea, depending on the mood—and talking about everything in life. As my Granddaddy Hamlin, the great philosopher of DeKalb County, Alabama loved to call it, “shootin’ the bull.” (Though not blood-related, I think I culturally inherited this unique trait from him.)

I can be anywhere. Starbucks is a usual spot because they’re everywhere and easy to find. However, I also love The Red Eye and Hometown Coffee, both in Tallahassee. Some like Brueggars, but I’m not a real bagel fan and really don’t like their coffee. There used to be a great place near the Bay Bridge in Gulf Breeze, but it has since closed, so now it’s the Krispy Kreme or Bagelheads in Pensacola.

Anyway, it’s not the place or coffee per se (and I’ve had more than my share of some bad cups) but it’s the company and the conversation that almost always becomes more stimulating than the caffeine.

It’s a special treat when—after seven long years volunteering in youth ministry—former youth group kids request some coffee talk time. I can never fully describe how much I love these kids and want to keep up with their lives, even after they’ve gone off to college. They can easily forget me in the busy-ness of their lives and pursuit of new endeavors, so it makes me feel special they actually WANT to see me during the limited time they have visiting home from college.

There are many things we end up talking about, but three things usually stand out:

Old youth group memories

Life updates, which somehow always end up about our latest love interests.

The DREADED 10-Year Plan

The DREADED 10-Year Plan is one that’s important to me and I nearly always ask during the conversation, “What or where do you want to be in 10 years?”

Of all the kids, it is probably Michelle who is most frustrated with me when I ask. I should really stop using the word “kid” but can’t shake the thought of when I first knew her as a shy high school freshman many years ago. It is amazing to see how Michelle has grown up to be a brilliant, intelligent, and thoughtful young woman!

No doubt Michelle is one of my favorites of the many youth group alums, and that’s because she was one of the kids who joined the mission trips I led to Honduras. This small group holds a special place in my heart, and I pray often that the lessons they learned visiting the impoverished third world will continue to thrive within them and inspire action.

So, it was last week that Michelle and I were in deep coffee talk about life, when she started talking about some of the classes she’s been taking and how much the issues of social justice have appeared thematic in recent months. For her ten year plan, she revealed that she hoped to go teach and make a difference in some distant land.

What a great thing to hear! In the nearly 10 years I was involved in youth ministry, the one prayer I held in constant vigil was that I would become the instrument to empower youth to act on social justice and make a difference in the world. There were moments where I wondered if this would ever come true, or if I was making any difference in the lives of these kids.

I’m not taking all the credit, and I’m humbled to even take some of it.

My dad has told me many times an old Filipino proverb, “Plant, and you will harvest.”

God planted that seed long ago in Michelle and many of the other youth, and I was entrusted to nurture them.

Many years from now, we might not be around to enjoy the harvest, but certainly the world will be a much better place.

17 August, 2009

The Pilgrimmage to Sir Paul

Some friends and I went on a weekend adventure to see Sir Paul McCartney play at a concert benefiting Piedmont Park in Atlanta. Of course, a trip to Atlanta just wouldn't be complete without a stop at The Varsity. I also made my first trip to the Georgia Aquarium, and it certainly won't be my last!

Photos are from my Blackberry... not the best in the world.

07 August, 2009

Welcome To The World, Benjamin William!

Here's the newest addition to my family... my sister recently gave birth to my nephew, Benjamin William!

02 August, 2009

Lesson in Trust

As my life continues the emotional roller coaster that millions of Americans are also facing--job loss, dwindling savings, and mounting bills, I've gotten some great messages about trusting God.

The first came a few weeks ago when I did a call out via a Facebook status to send me some inspirational thoughts. My great college friend, Tianna, responded with a passage from Proverbs:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

I reflected over this passage and a few others some friends sent me, but it really didn't hit me until tonight, while I was at mass. In today's first reading (Ex 16:2-4, 12-15), the Israelites were upset with Moses and Aaron for having dragged them out into the vast desert wilderness with no food. They whined that if they had stayed under Pharaoh, they would have at least had food to eat.

They did not trust the Lord would bring them out safely.

At that moment, I thought of my own lack of trust. Have I become like those Israelites being led out of Egypt?

I'll admit my heart is not full of trust in God at the moment, but it is continuing to build.

01 August, 2009

May you rest in peace, Tita Cory

A Prayer for a Happy Death

Almighty God, most merciful Father
You alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.

So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore only You.

When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
how much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.

Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to our world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.

Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love, Amen.

- by former Philippine President Corazon C. Aquino