19 December, 2006

24 Hours In New Orleans

Sometimes my job brings with it some interesting perks.

At the last minute, I found myself boarding a plane for the Big Easy to do a presentation at a national conference. I was asked to go... how could I pass up the opportunity?

My latest trips to the City have been limited to drive-in, visit my brother, and drive back out--all in the same day. This time, though, I did the "touristy" things.

After dinner with my brother and his friends at La Crepe Nanou, I checked into my hotel in the Quarter and decided to take a midnight stroll.

Now, let me just mention that if I were travelling with anyone, I wouldn't even venture out, for fear of their safety or the eternal taunts of "well it was your idea we walk out here at midnight." However, I was by myself and thought to myself, "if I should die tonight, at least I died in the French Quarter."

Well, I doubt there would be any crime that night. Nearly every cop in the parish was out there that night, chatting with the few tourists with those tacky boob beads and the occasional homeless man.

I found myself transplanted into my own movie. It was surreal... the fog was so thick I could barely see down the streets, and the air so numbingly chilly. Outside the Cathedral, some of the scariest people were gathered, chatting and drinking. They were extremely friendly as they'd say, "How ya doin'?" when I smiled at them.

I walked block after block before I finally returned to the hotel and went to bed. The next morning, I enjoyed another stroll and a stop at the Cathedral for prayers

I worked while I was at Cafe du Monde for breakfast. I was preparing notes for my presentation and doing some follow-up phone calls with different organizations. I was so tempted to say, "hey, I know you're in the office stuck behind a computer, but guess where I'm at?!?"

Finally, by the afternoon, I was ready my presentation. I was right on target and think I did a heck of a job. It was only for thirty minutes, anyway. Afterwards, it was a drive to the airport and hours of waiting at the airport before my evening flight.

Twenty-three and a half hours in New Orleans in return for a thirty minute presentation (of which I only spoke about five minutes?)

I think my job does have its perks!