28 March, 2006

St. Augustine Church

This morning I watched on CNN some disheartening news--- the Archdiocese is closing St. Augustine Church.

My visit there had an amazing impact on me... it truly demonstrated the faith and diversity of the Catholic Church.

Here's are articles from the Times-Picayune and Biloxi Sun-Herald:



25 March, 2006

Ghost of High School Past

There hasn't been anything really exciting going on in my life these last few weeks that's been worth posting... but thought I'd try to come up with something to write about.

The big buzz in one of my friendship circles--the ones from high school-- is about our upcoming reunion in May. I can't believe it-- it's been 10 years since I roamed the halls of Gulf Breeze High School as a student!

From occassional trips home, a few e-mails here and there, and what from I've read in the hometown paper, I catch bits of information here and there about the school and some of my classmates. There's sure been a lot of changes in the last decade. The school from the outside looks so different from my time (and I haven't been inside since I made visits while working with the Red Cross back in '02) and I've been fortunate to hear great news of marriages, births, career moves, and exciting travels of so many.

Everyone appears so excited about it... how come I feel so indifferent?

It looks like it's going to be a great reunion, but I guess I'm not going to go. The deadline for the deposit came and went, and I just didn't feel motivated about going. Apologies to those who I promised 10 years ago that we'd meet in 2006 to snicker and jeer at those who tormented us.

I thought to myself... why go to something to see people that I haven't seen in years who I really didn't even like back then to impress them with insignificant things? People who wanted to keep in touch with me... HAVE kept in touch with me, and I have likewise. I've had many reunions of my own with many friends, which was much more significant to me. Everything else I've heard about others I've learned through "unofficial" channels. I doubt my not showing up will dampen the festivities planned.

So, unless I shake this apathy, I will celebrate the class of 1996 celebrates, in spirit.

I'm planning to make a visit home that weekend to see friends. If you'll be around, let me know.

11 March, 2006

back home

It's been a while since I posted, and I finally have time to write tonight.

Spent the end of the week in Winston-Salem, NC for a grantee conference. I'd never been up there before and had an oppportunity to explore a little of Old Salem.

It's good to be back home... me and my luggage. I got home last night; my luggage just a few hours ago tonight. Somehow it didn't make the connection. Alas, I'm home and relieved that all my notes from the conference are with me now.

Molly is spending the weekend with her aunt and grandparents this weekend. :>) I don't have a walking buddy for Sunday morning, which is probably good, so I can sleep in a little bit.

I'm in the middle of my season teaching high school confirmation class, and I'm planning class tomorrow. It's going pretty well, though I have only four of the original nine signed up to be in the class. The group's opening slowly, but it's already pretty difficult because these are youth who really don't want to be there--it's one of those things their parents are making them do. Hopefully the Spirit will move in them.

That's about it for now.

04 March, 2006

what comes up, must go down

The great feelings of two weeks ago sure paved the way for this past week's LIVING HELL for me.

Computers crashing, people bickering, plans altered, more people bickering, plans re-altered again, people upset at me, me upset at other people, people coming to my office to cry, being yelled at for different reasons.... I don't want to get into it, again, so forgive me for not elaborating. I look back and tears well up... I've had enough of it this week.

I've always been on the sidelines when it comes to office settings... sometimes I'm the coach, the fan waving the signs, or the cheerleader. I do my best to boost the morale of others. Well, last week, I was put into the game and I didn't even know it. And I'm suffering the reprecussions of slamming head-on the offensive.

So, I feel like the stateless diplomat, without a cause or reason to advocate and no support from any party when war breaks out all around me. Yes, folks, the $h-- has hit the fan!

Okay, enough with the analogies.... there's a new week ahead and let's pray it's a great one!